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Chongqing Nankai Middle School in October 25th, sunny afternoon in the hall, applause, l...

Chongqing Nankai Middle School in October 25th, sunny afternoon in the hall, applause, laughter, cheers As one falls The school students, the school held, high grade 2014 Chinese group to undertake Nankai Middle School quotThunderstormquot Drama Festival kicked off in here The entire。


Invites in the review appendix the news release, if will not have the question I in 500 pm time issued that will anticipate your direction 汉译请review附件中的新闻稿如果没有问题我将在下午5点时发布 期待您的指点。



Please let us know if you would like to provide a named quote in support of our press release中文翻译是请告诉我们,您是否愿意在我们发布的新闻稿中留下实名的评论以表支持provide 提供in support of 支持named quote 实名留言被引用press release 新闻稿。

According to the Foxnews, painful memories of people could be erased from their mind by a new medical technology, a research made by Johns Hopkins University suggests据国外网站“the Foxnews”报道,约翰霍普金斯大学一项研究表明,一种新型药物技术可以“抹去”人们的痛苦记忆The Johns Hop。

Integrate the information of medias,an earthquakes of magnitudes 72 occurred in New Zealand at early morning of local timethe middle of the earthquake located 30KM faraway from Christchurch and the epicentre was 20KM undergroudAt press time,it has resulted 2 people serious injury。
