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1、当会长问道“你们有没有信心在英语俱乐部一直坚持下去,yes or no?”场下发出了整齐而坚定的回答“Yes!”当会长问道“告诉我们,你们行不行?”又一声“Yes!”,震撼...

1、当会长问道“你们有没有信心在英语俱乐部一直坚持下去,yes or no?”场下发出了整齐而坚定的回答“Yes!”当会长问道“告诉我们,你们行不行?”又一声“Yes!”,震撼全场他们的回答就像英语俱乐部的口号“Open your mouth,Open your world”一样响亮Just do it !只要你相信行,你就行!接着各部;3内容一般是两大类天灾xxx 三新闻稿可能出现的考点 1考导语即第一句话 2靠宾语即语段中线类似It is said reported pronounces declared that 这样的句子,那么“that”后面的句子极有可能是考点3考查四方面的信息时间地点人物数字 4考转折 5考;Dense smog has once again swept over many parts of north and east China, marking a surge in air pollutionVisibility is lower than 1,000 meters in most parts of Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Jiangxi and Zhejiang Provinces It is down to 300 meters in the;This is according to Cadell Last, a researcher at the Global Brain Institute, who claims mankind is undergoing a major #39evolutionary transition#39In less than four decades, Mr Last claims we will live longer, have children in old age and rely on artificial intelligence to do mundane;Twentyone member economies are taking part in the APEC summit in Honolulu, hosted this year by the United StatesChinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Honolulu Thursday, as ministerial talks were under wayUS Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in remarks at the EastWest Center。

2、河北钢铁集团已经提出了对工业和信息化部科技MIIT,一个国家铁矿石公司将现地铁矿石进口量,根据一位高级行政来自美国的第二大上市钢厂表示,新公司将由16个大型钢厂在中国,每一个年产10万吨它也将统一的进口价格和分发铁矿石创办比率“这样的行为会提高民族的讨价还价的年度铁矿石;Hello everyone ,my name is **,It #39s my great to talk about news A rarelyseen heavy rain rocked the city this morning,bringing about floodEarly in the morning people were on their way to work when it poured rainThe rain came so suddenly that many of them were caught in;Beijing issues orange alert 31 hours ahead of expected gloom to help people prepare With a new round of smog likely to engulf Beijing and surrounding areas over the next three days, the city issued an orange alert-the secondhighest warning level-on Saturday afternoon, 31 hours;The rise is mainly seen in overseasfunded companies and local offices of multinationals as they expand rapidly in the coastal areas as well as big cities in the inland provincesThe most soughtafter positions include those in information technology IT and management, including human;这个是英国广播公司BBC的新闻稿子原文Pope Benedict has been celebrating Christmas midnight Mass at Saint Peter#39s Basilica in Rome The service was broadcasted to more than forty countries around the world Although it was conducted in Latin, the worldwide reach of the Roman Catholic。

3、quotWhen a traumatic event occurs, it creates a fearful memory that can last a lifetime and have a debilitating effect on a person#39s life,quot said Richard L Huganir, professor at the Hopkins School of Medicine霍普金斯大学医学院教授理查德L胡格尼尔教授说“当一项创伤性事件发生时;Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People#39s Bank of China, speaks during a news conference at the International Monetary Fund IMF World Bank meetings, in Singapore September 17, 2006 The bank raised the key savings and lending interest rates, beginning from March 18 ReutersT。



5、Putin plans to leave G20 early amid tensions 普京计划提前离开G20峰会 There have been handshakes and a family photo but the reception for Russian PresidentVladimir Putin has been less than amicable According to a member of his delegation, Putinplans to leave the G20 summit earl;英语report可以用新闻稿英语report意思是汇报,报告,通报,报道,是用书面或广播形式发表的新闻稿是可以用新闻稿的。
